Thursday, November 26, 2009

What's a cuter hairstyle on a girl, long hair or short hair?

I'm asking because with my friends everyone is cutting their hair short, and saying that long hair isn't "in" in the lesbian community.

What's a cuter hairstyle on a girl, long hair or short hair?

keep your hair how u like it

What's a cuter hairstyle on a girl, long hair or short hair?

Long hair is way better, in my opinion... but short hair can still be cute. how is long hair not "in" in the lesbian community? I have really long hair!

What's a cuter hairstyle on a girl, long hair or short hair?

Long is nicer if the hair is nice!

What's a cuter hairstyle on a girl, long hair or short hair?

if I cut my hair, it makes me look fat. :O So I can't... hahaha, I like my girlfriend with her short hair, but really... I don't think it's a lesbian thing, I think it's a hair thing.

So... whatever you want!

What's a cuter hairstyle on a girl, long hair or short hair?

i would say it depends on how the person looks sometimes some people look better wit short hair and other times they look better wit long hair. ive got short hair and i like it so do what you want if you want short hair go for it hair grows back

What's a cuter hairstyle on a girl, long hair or short hair?

long is so much better. first off, you can put it up in different styles.second, isn't long more unique due to the fact it takes a looooooooooooooooong time to grow out long hair. third streaks look better in long hair.(I mean, have you seen short hair streaks compared to long?)

What's a cuter hairstyle on a girl, long hair or short hair?

i guess if you have long hair your "femme"

im "femme"

but im into all the diffrent kinds of lesbians

the more butch type lesbians ive seen had short hair.

i think long hair is sexy and exotic

the longer the sexier

buuuuuuuuuut thats just my opionion

What's a cuter hairstyle on a girl, long hair or short hair?

i think whatever looks the best on the person is the cutest, i love both short and long hair!! :P

What's a cuter hairstyle on a girl, long hair or short hair?

Both look nice on certain individuals, personally I don't care about hair that much as long it looks nice on them, wear your hair whatever way YOU like it...

What's a cuter hairstyle on a girl, long hair or short hair?

it depends on the girl. usually i think long hair looks better but some girls can pull off short hair and look really hot w/ it.

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