Sunday, June 20, 2010

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "olde

I'm 33, getting married next May and have had my hair cut short a couple years ago. I've always had it at least shounder length, if not longer. Now, I am trying to grow it a little longer because I'd like to have some sort of up-do for my wedding.

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

I think it depends on the persons face and their texture of hair. Some older women can pull off longer hair. (I consider long hair past the shoulders) Most can't. When you hit around 40 you start getting the wrinkles and the face droops a little. The long hair just drags it down even more. Long hair usually makes older women look older. I'm a hairstylist, and sometimes a haircut is an instant face lift. It really can take years off. If your 33 enjoy the long hair a little longer, then go for a layered chin length bob if your not into really short hair. Congrats, and good luck with the wedding!

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

Don't do what other people think. Do what you want. I think it's amazing when I see an 80 year old woman with white hair undo her bun and have a long stream of hair come down.

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

What ever floats your boat! Do your hair however you want it!

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

There is nothing wrong w/ long hair at any age, its all in how you maintain it, there should not be an issue w/ it at least being shoulder length. Nevertheless, if you cut it and ever decide you want length, wigs and weaves are always an option.

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

there's no right answer. you need to do what works best for you - that's the beauty of individuality.

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

Hi,,,, i am going to tell you the truth from a man's point of view... Men like long hair on women..... no kidding no age limit... Long Hair.....

good luck

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

33 is not the age people are talking about when they talk about long hair on older women. They are talking more like 50. But go with what looks best on you.

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

Im 30 something and have hair just above the middle of my back. I dont think it looks bad. However I have seen what you referred to!

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

Some people say the Earth is flat, too. You wear your hair any way that pleases you, and if somebody else doesn't like it, that's their problem!

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

Long hair is sexy. Just because you are older does not mean that you should not feel sexy (or look it) To hell with all of the old blue washes that don't want you to feel good about yourself. 33 is a good age for most women, don't get old and boring untill you want to.

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

I love long hair on women of any age. You don't have to have short hair when you get older. Just don't do any really trendy things with it-- that's when people will start saying you should "act your age". But if you have long hair, and wear it down or in a ponytail, it will look fine. And for your wedding? Fancy updo!

Don't feel like you need to cut your hair. Older women can have long hair, and it's more graceful than anything else...

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

I am 30 years old and have my hair way below my shoulders. I'm not concerned what others do or don't think about's my hair, my head.

FYI, my husband's grandmother (who only died a couple years ago) had hair all the way down to her waist up til the day she died at age 98. :)

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

I don't like short hair. Mine has been waist length for 15 years or so. Tomarrow it's getting cut and I'm scared as hell! Keep the length and add some shape...I only hope the hairdresser can understand that! Keep it long...the guys love it!

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

I belive its around 35-40. My mom told me this and she actually cut her hair! I was pissed off at her because ppl. shouldnt care what other people think. As long as you are comfortable and like your hairdo keep it however you want!

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

I would never intentionally make my hair short ever again. Therefore it will be long even when i get older. There is no right age just a type of personality and look is all.

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

I think you should do your hair the way you like. I think long hair looks great on anyone, at any age. If you decide to grow it longer, then just layer it, and it will still be long with more choices to work from than just a long flat style. I am sure that any way choose will look great for your wedding. Congrats and good luck!!!

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

those people are wrong. long hair is a good thing. there is no age for cutting your hair. dammit man. let it grow, if we were meant to have short hair it would break off at a certain point and i am drunk. sorry.

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

Age has nothing to do with hair length!! This whole "women older than ---- *insert age here* should cut their hair short" thing is a load of nonsense! If you like your hair long, then you should grow it long. And not just for your wedding. Grow and enjoy it because it is beautiful and feminine and fun. Don't let "them" tell you you are too old. I know many older women with long, beautiful hair. Some a perfect silver. They would never, never consider cutting it!

I am fourty one. I have long hair. It is getting longer all the time. I have absolutely no intention of cutting it. Now or ever.

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

Congrats! I feel people should do what feels comfortable to them. I say do with it what you want and makes YOU feel good. By the way, 33 is way to young to be considered "older"!

At what age should you start cutting your hair shorter? Some say long hair looks wrong on "older" people

Age has not one thing to do with you hair style. What you want to think about, is that as your skin becomes more lose and loses it's elasticiy, the more you want to create the illusion of an up lifting effect. This can be done with short or longer hair. Just remember to keep it in a style that works with you face and frame shape. If you do keep it longer, it WILL have to be kept neat, clean and styled. See a stylist that will try your hair ( as is) in styles that works for YOU. Again, age hasn't a thing to do with it. You can look 30 at the age of 50 and on the other hand you can look 50 at the age on 30. Just try lots of ways before you cut it all off. Good luck.

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